Automatically generate BEOs
Put the life back in work-life balance with automations that take busywork off your plate. Automatically generate and update essential PDFs like BEOs and Proposals, automatically send event reminder emails, and more.
Fill out the form below to receive a free Banquet Event Order template.
Put the life back in work-life balance with automations that take busywork off your plate. Automatically generate and update essential PDFs like BEOs and Proposals, automatically send event reminder emails, and more.
With a library of your most commonly used email templates that automatically fill in event information - you're able to send emails 3x faster. Plus, all emails are right where you need them, with the event - not lost in your inbox.
With fast, professional proposals, you'll win more deals and stop losing out to the large chains and restaurant groups already sending digital proposals. Getting paid is fast and easy with digital proposals that allow you to collect deposits securely online.
Or contact us at 415-906-4190 or hello@perfectvenue.com with any questions you may have.